Exploring TRP options
Four possible third-party reproduction arrangements can be used in combination of each other are as follows:
A registered ART Bank screens egg donors for oocyte donation. The eggs retrieved are stored in the Bank for use by clinics and couples seeking oocyte donation. This option can be beneficial for women with diminished ovarian reserve, age-related fertility decline, or certain medical conditions. Age, health, and medical history of the donor are important factors to consider.
Egg donation Success rates:
Success rates depend on various factors, but typically range from 50-60% per cycle for IVF using donor eggs .
An ART bans screens of potential sperm donors as per the ART guidelines. The donated sperm are stored in the bank for future use. It is a choice for couples when the man has a low or absent sperm count (azoospermia). This approach can be an option for same-sex male couples, female couples, or single women seeking parenthood. Age, medical history, family history, and physical characteristics are factors to consider when choosing a donor.
Sperm Donation Success Rates:
Success rates vary based on factors like the recipient’s age and fertility status but can range from 15-20% per cycle for intrauterine insemination (IUI) to 40-50% per cycle for IVF with donor sperm.
Similar to adoption, it is only suitable when both male and female elements exist or when financial constraints exist. Earlier, couples were allowed to donate any extra embryos that were made with their gametes or through egg and sperm donation for a different couple to use, with due consent. The current laws prohibit this process.
This option can be a suitable choice for individuals or couples facing infertility due to various reasons. Compatibility with the recipient’s medical history and preferences regarding donor characteristics are factors to explore.
Embryo donation Success rates:
Success rates are generally similar to IVF using donor eggs, ranging from 50-70% per cycle.
Simply put, surrogacy refers to using another woman’s womb to carry one’s child or renting one. Patients with uterine anomalies such as fibroid, adenomyosis, uni-cornuate uterus, etc.; patients who have experienced recurrent IVF failures; or patients whose pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s health may require it. An embryo developed from the intended parents’ gametes or the gametes of egg and/or sperm donors is transferred to the uterus of another woman, who happens to be the gestational carrier of the pregnancy and gives birth.
Surrogacy involves legal and ethical considerations, and thorough research and guidance from legal professionals and experienced surrogacy agencies are crucial. Intended parents and the gestational carrier should undergo medical and psychological evaluations.
Surrogacy Success rates:
Success rates in surrogacy can vary depending on factors like the gestational carrier’s health, age, and previous pregnancy history, but typically range from 30-70% per cycle.