Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a technique of early prenatal genetic diagnostic that allows the identification of abnormal embryos and the transfer of genetically normal embryos. Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) treatments now routinely use this technology. This leading-edge technology entails obtaining cells from embryos formed in the In-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle for screening for chromosomal disorders and single-gene disorders. This test is recommended in addition to the standard IVF cycle before embryo transfer to further reduce the chances of any genetic diseases in the future prior to pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
There is an ongoing debate scientific community regarding whether this add-on to the IVF procedure really helps increase the IVF success rate and whether the embryo genetic diagnosis is 100% accurate. What we know so far from the meta-analysis and research, is that it is not a 100% per cent accurate screening test. It also has been shown that it does not increase the cumulative live birth rates. So it might increase the chances of having a baby earlier and not having a miscarriage during your IVF process. However, it does not increase the cumulative birth rate.
On one hand, there are those who argue that pre-implantation genetic screening for aneuploidy (PGT-A) can reduce the success rate of IVF by nearly a third. On the other hand proponents of PGT-A claim that the transfer success rate is higher with PGT-A than in conventional IVF.
The success rates of PGT can also depend on factors such as the age of the woman and the reason for infertility. Studies indicate that the rate of aneuploidy in embryos is greater than 20% in mothers aged 35-39 years and is nearly 40% in mothers aged 40 years or older . By using PGT-A to select embryos without chromosomal abnormalities in these cases, the success rates of IVF can be significantly increased.
Overall, the success rates of using PGT in IVF can vary depending on various factors, and it is essential to discuss the potential benefits and risks with a healthcare professional.
Infertile couples preparing for PGT should keep in mind several factors. Firstly, they should understand the potential benefits and risks of PGT and discuss these with their healthcare provider. They should also be aware of the limitations of PGT, as it cannot guarantee a successful pregnancy or the birth of a healthy baby.
It is essential to select a reputable IVF clinic with experience in performing PGT and to understand the cost and logistics of the procedure. Couples should also be emotionally prepared for the process, as PGT can be a stressful and emotional journey.
Additionally, couples should be aware of the legal and ethical implications of PGT, such as the potential for embryo disposition and the societal implications of selecting certain traits or characteristics in embryos.
Overall, infertile couples preparing for PGT should take the time to educate themselves about the procedure and consider all of the factors involved before making an informed decision about their fertility treatment. They should work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure the best possible outcome.
There are no strict recommendations on who should or should not go for PGT. However, some factors may make certain couples more suitable candidates for PGT.
For example, couples who are carriers of a specific genetic disorder or have a history of chromosomal abnormalities may benefit from PGT to reduce the risk of passing on the condition to their child. Women over 35 years old or those who have experienced recurrent miscarriages may also benefit from PGT to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
On the other hand, some healthcare providers may not recommend PGT for couples who have a good chance of conceiving naturally, those who have unexplained infertility, or those who have only had one or two unsuccessful IVF cycles. Additionally, PGT may not be suitable for couples who have a limited number of embryos available for testing.
Ultimately, the decision to undergo PGT should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare provider, who can help determine if PGT is the right choice based on the couple’s individual circumstances and medical history.
No, it is optional. However, it is recommended for women at higher risk for genetic conditions.
Your doctor will guide you through the results, discuss options, and refer you to a genetic counselor for further advice.
PGT is Recommended in Patients undergoing IVF with the following:
- Couples older than age 35
- Couples with repeated consecutive miscarriages
- Couples with failed IVF procedures with fresh or frozen embryo transfers
- Severe male factor infertility in the male partner
- Genetic disorders carried by one or more parents
- Couples with a previous pregnancy with an abnormal number of chromosomes
- Women diagnosed with unexplained infertility
PGT aims to achieve higher chances of a successful IVF cycle, reduced miscarriages, and reduced likelihood of conceiving a child with a genetic disease or multiple births. PGT also increases the chance of pregnancy in couples with recurrent pregnancy loss, repeated IVF failures, or advanced maternal age.
- Higher chance of a successful IVF cycle
- Reduced risk of miscarriage
- Reduces the likelihood of conceiving a child with genetic diseases
- Faster pregnancy achievement
- Reduced chance of having multiples when paired with a single embryo transfer
Steps involved in the PGT included IVF cycle:
- Medication to stimulate healthy egg development
- Egg retrieval
- Fertilization
- Embryo formation
- PGT and embryo selection
- Embryo transfer
- Pregnancy and childbirth
As a part of in vitro fertilization, the doctor retrieves a number of mature eggs which are then fertilized with sperm in the lab to form an embryo and later implanted into the woman’s uterus. But there is another step before embryo implantation when a PGT is recommended in the IVF cycle.
The embryologists take a small sample of the embryo cells during the development stage for a series of chromosomal defects. This test may take up to a week for results to come back.
PGT identifies possible abnormalities in the embryos tested that could affect the success of the pregnancy or the development of the baby. The test identified healthy embryos without identified chromosomal defects that were chosen to be implanted into the uterus after the testing.
There are several myths related to PGT such as low-grade embryos having chromosomal abnormalities and that PGT is only recommended to older women or to screen for Down syndrome. There is a misconception that PGT ensures a healthy baby and can be used to create “desired designed babies”.
- Low-grade embryos have chromosomal abnormalities
- PGT is only recommended to older women
- PGT is only used to screen for Down syndrome
- PGT ensures a healthy baby
- PGT is a company that creates “desired designed babies”
NIPT and diagnostic tests like CVS and amniocentesis can not be used to determine the baby’s sex becuase in India it is prohibited by PCPNDT ACT.